The Sunday Funnies are not comics, but jokes, riddles, puns and more sent every week to your email!  I hope that at the least you'll crack a smile - at best you'll let out a hearty guffaw!  Doctors say that a laugh or two a day help to keep him away!!  So, if you're looking for a chuckle or a giggle - join the the Sunday Funnies - click on the link below.

You won't be overwhelmed by email - it's not a discussion  group - it's a newsletter, so you'll only hear from me once a week - or a special mailing of some sort (haven't had much of that). It's best  that you put your setting at "individual email" since you'll likely only get one email a week.

               Click to join SundayFunnies
Click to join The Sunday Funnies

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